A late addition to the blogosphere. Periodic comments on food, politics, music, design and subjects to be determined from a late mid-century modern man.
I'll admit over the last forty or so years I've said some intemperate things about the man to whom Peggy Noonan acts as hagiographer, Ronald Reagan. Most of them have been based on things he (or his cronies) actually did. Not to mention the other Republicans about whom Peggy and her claque support long after any pretense or patina of "conservatism" has worn off their shiny, corporatist, authoritarian foreheads.
Peggy and company have lied from whole cloth since the ascendancy of Bill Clinton, and have engaged in "discourse" that would have them ejected from a high school extemporaneous debate for ignorance. Now that one of their own -- or properly, not of their kind -- has gotten the spotlight, Reagan's 11th commandment has been conveniently forgotten.
Well Peggy, Charles, David and Ann, you aided and abetted the creation of the monster that is Sarah Palin, you damn well better be ready to take care of her and what she leads the base to.