27 December 2007

Holiday Bloggy Goodness

Brought to you from high above the Great Flyover, courtesy of Apple Computer and United Airlines (although there will be comment on the latter): a year-end recap of 2007, a year in which no one in my immediate family died, fewer people got sick, and there were no incidents of grievous bodily harm from accidents.

Buying a house is hard work. Buying a house in a crazy market is even harder work.

One falls out of the habit of business travel, and returning to those habits isn’t always agreeable.

When one’s partner and beloved is also a best friend is a gift beyond measure.

Disco is back, and better than ever (see Envoy). Disco and punk had children, and their names are LCD Soundsystem and Justice. The children were separated early in life, and grew up in the United States and France, respectively.

The Dead Kennedys and Carlinhos Brown had a child and its name was Bonde do Rôle (RIP).

Lydia Bastianich and Mario Batalia are training more great chefs than anyone might imagine possible. Great food in Portland, Oregon is easier to find than anyplace I’ve ever been.

It is amusing, if somewhat disconcerting, to find one’s name is on the TSA “Watchlist.”

The McMansion is dead. Long live responsible housing.

Losing post-holiday weight gain with a personal trainer: $1,000. Avoiding gaining holiday weight: priceless.

Food trend for 2008: Fennel.

United Airlines blows. JetBlue and Frontier Airlines rock. Enough said.

The key to good familial visits is to ensure one is relaxed and comfortable before one arrives. Good food and great hotels also help.

I believe in global warming. I’ve also never seen as much of the United States covered in snow as I’ve seen today.

That is all. Happy New Year!

16 December 2007

Literary Lions

The other side of Fashion Week. Enough said.